Welcome to the
How Change Changes You Podcast

I'm on a mission to change our perception of change from a place filled with scary unknowns to a place packed full of possibility - allowing it to shape us, create greater resilience, confidence & trust in ourselves & are infinite capacity & capability to grow & evolve. I am soooo excited to have a plethora of people lined up from all over the world - who will be sharing their personal change story - from dealing with divorce, loss of a loved one, loss of self, career change, health challenges, transitioning genders - no change is off topic! Because WE are built & strengthened through the changes we face - large & small!


 Multiple Guests

Three Powerful Questions

Countless Insights

…& a whole lot of inspiration

Not to mention a potent biochemical shot of
gratitude straight from your ears to your heart!

Lauren Pla - Conscious Parenting, Connection not Correction!

Lauren Pla - Conscious Parenting, Connection not Correction!

Here Lauren Pla shares how diving into her own inner, personal development work led her to view how she parents in a completely different way.

Lauren lives in New Jersey, in the US with her husband, 22 year old daughter and 16 year old son. She shares how her parenting has changed and evolved over the course of her ever-increasing self awareness. We talk about the importance of observing ourselves - noticing how we think, feel and act, and how that impacts how we relate to our children. We also cover the power of accepting all parts of ourselves, so we have the ability to do the same, for the greatest growth of the people we’re bringing up!

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Madi Graham - What's the best thing that could happen?

Madi Graham - What's the best thing that could happen?

Here Madi Graham shares a very recent personal change story that only unfolded a couple of weeks before the recording of our conversation. Madi is quite simply a creative ideas machine, mother to 2 beautiful daughters and founder of @MadiBakes in Whitley Bay.

We cover so many topics in our conversation from finding the courage to really feel your feelings to dropping the need to prioritize everyone above yourself and finding your inner peace and strength through facing what you truly fear. The conversation flows from a place of real life experiences shared with heartfelt honesty, vulnerability and unapologetic authenticity!

Madi shares the importance of giving yourself permission to stop, creating a powerful space for reflection to get in touch with what life is really asking of you. After facing a potentially terrifying breast cancer diagnosis, Madi talks about sitting with herself and all her fears - holding space for herself and all the feelings whirling around her system. She gave herself permission to take some important time out, to just be - getting off the hamster wheel of busy being busyness where she so frequently operates from, to breathe and take stock. She realised that whatever the result, she was at capacity and instinctively knew she needed rest and recharge to handle whatever was awaiting her around the corner.

We know that this conversation will resonate with so many of you! As such we would love to hear your thoughts and comments about what came up for you during this epic episode!

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Damon Bowen-Ashwin - My brain tumor journey – the change that saved my life.

Damon Bowen-Ashwin - My brain tumor journey – the change that saved my life.

Here Damon Bowen-Ashwin shares his personal change story, being diagnosed with a brain tumor at the age of 40 and how it saved his life! Damon shares that If you’d have told him a year ago that the growth of his brain tumor was the best thing that ever happened to him, I wouldn’t have believed you! In fact, he shares, “I’d have been petrified as well as angry and upset that there had been any post op growth!” Damon is half way through chemotherapy having already completed radiotherapy last autumn, and has never been so happy and in love with life. He is now on a mission to prove to himself and the world that we can do anything if we put our mind to it – he wholeheartedly believes this to be true.

We talk about the mental, emotional and physical challenges faced navigating ongoing treatment following his diagnosis 2 years ago. From confronting and embracing the fear to finding opportunity in exploring new potentials and experiences. As an avid cyclist and huge advocate of the Wim Hoff method of breathing - he has discovered a whole new perspective on life, what is important and what is simply not worth worrying about!

He is passionate about sharing the message - “If you want to change the world, change the way you look at it, and you’ll be amazed at what starts to happen. Start by loving yourself unconditionally, and then the rest will fall into place, and maybe, just maybe, amazing things will happen….”

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Lucy Emsley - Navigating Anxiety, OCD & Menopause

Lucy Emsley - Navigating Anxiety, OCD & Menopause

Here Lucy Emsley shares her personal change story, where she recently experienced an acute bout of anxiety which led her to being diagnosed with OCD. Lucy talks about an important reflection point where she began to notice a pattern between her changing hormone cycles and experiences with anxiety levels.

Lucy is the founder of Sow Clever, a conscious business with a passion for inspiring everyone to get growing! They provide a subscription box service that gives you all the materials and expertise to grow your own vegetables, herbs and flowers from seed.

We talk about the importance of being persistent with healthcare practitioners to get the support you need - to the relief felt when gaining clarity on the cause of anxiety. For Lucy she found that it was her OCD that was driving her anxiety, which she now has techniques and tools to help manage alongside deciding to take Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT), which has also significantly helped reduce her levels of anxiety.

We talk about the dark side of strong coping mechanisms, being too harsh on ourselves, keeping pushing forward no matter what! Discussing the polarizing perspectives of selfishness versus self care! Feelings of guilt around taking the time for yourself! The busy being busy trap! Today Lucy talks about being so much kinder to herself, taking breaks when she needs to and choosing to lower the bar at times to look after her overall wellbeing.

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Harvey Trent - Change can come AT YOU & effect you, or YOU can effect change!

Harvey Trent - Change can come AT YOU & effect you, or YOU can effect change!

I’m excited to bring you another episode this week with someone who was part of my inspiration for starting this podcast all about change! Here Harvey Trent, founder of strategic marketing & growth company The Pulse Rooms - talks about an epiphany he had about change following personal and professional changes that he experienced… which led him to look at change in a whole new light! To not “beware” change but instead “be aware” of its potential and growth opportunity it brings you!

Harvey wanted to create a handbook to share with his teenage children to help prepare them to navigate change more positively - empowering them to see its benefits rather than its scary unknowns! In this episode we talk about the key ingredients to practice viewing change in a more empowering way - from personal development and growth, to relationships, to creativity and meeting change head on at work! Harvey reflects that “change can come at you” and affect you or you can effect change! This powerful shift in perspective can be a game changer - reminding you that you have the power to see the change you’re facing in a more positive way and have it work for you, not against you! A powerful and insightful conversation that will help plant seeds of how you can approach change differently!

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Christopher David Mitchell's Change Story - Life threatening diagnosis at 27

Christopher David Mitchell's Change Story - Life threatening diagnosis at 27

Welcome to episode 4 of the How Change Changes You Podcast! Here Christopher shares his healing journey following a life threatening diagnosis & life saving surgery at age 27. His own personal survival story was the catalyst to begin his own path of personal development, his purpose is now to inspire other people to transform their lives.

Here we talk about the critical importance of health - which we can all take for granted at times - to facing scary unknowns, battling worst case scenarios, losing your sense of self following massive weight loss, wearing an ileostomy bag (to collect his waste) after his colon was removed & questioning everything about life! To the weeks, months & years it took for Chris to build himself back up personally & professionally. Chris cites the personal development research & work he did as being a huge part of his recovery journey! He reflects back that his illness was a catalyst to explore himself at a deeper level - which has now inspired him to help other on a similar journey

Today Christopher is a Transformational Life Coach, who is passionate about helping support people to transform their lives.

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