Damon Bowen-Ashwin - My brain tumor journey – the change that saved my life.


Welcome to Episode 7 of the How Change Changes You Podcast. Here Damon Bowen-Ashwin shares his personal change story, being diagnosed with a brain tumor at the age of 40 and how it saved his life! Damon shares that If you’d have told him a year ago that the growth of his brain tumor was the best thing that ever happened to him, I wouldn’t have believed you! In fact, he shares, “I’d have been petrified as well as angry and upset that there had been any post op growth!” Damon is half way through chemotherapy having already completed radiotherapy last autumn, and has never been so happy and in love with life. He is now on a mission to prove to himself and the world that we can do anything if we put our mind to it – he wholeheartedly believes this to be true. 

We talk about the mental, emotional and physical challenges faced navigating ongoing treatment following his diagnosis 2 years ago. From confronting and embracing the fear to finding opportunity in exploring new potentials and experiences. As an avid cyclist and huge advocate of the Wim Hoff method of breathing - he has discovered a whole new perspective on life, what is important and what is simply not worth worrying about!

He is passionate about sharing the message - “If you want to change the world, change the way you look at it, and you’ll be amazed at what starts to happen. Start by loving yourself unconditionally, and then the rest will fall into place, and maybe, just maybe, amazing things will happen….”

Join Damon for the journey through his video diaries – where he inspires others to tap into their inner strength

Social medial links can be found at: https://www.adaptandflow.co.uk/

Watch the Episode on video below…

Christina Lord

As a COR.E Dynamics Energy Specialist, ICF Certified Coach & Master Practitioner in Energetic Empowerment, Christina specialises in helping people who feel stuck reconnect to their inner wisdom & power, identifying what boosts & drains them of their precious energy, & crucially how to gain a new perspective to energise themselves from the inside out! She founded Authentic Action Coaching in 2018 to share her love of Energetic Mastery & how to live life in alignment with who you are at your core.


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