Welcome to Episode 6 of the How Change Changes You Podcast. Here Lucy Emsley shares her personal change story, where she recently experienced an acute bout of anxiety which led her to being diagnosed with OCD. Lucy talks about an important reflection point where she began to notice a pattern between her changing hormone cycles and experiences with anxiety levels.

Lucy is the founder of Sow Clever, a conscious business with a passion for inspiring everyone to get growing! They provide a subscription box service that gives you all the materials and expertise to grow your own vegetables, herbs and flowers from seed.

We talk about the importance of being persistent with healthcare practitioners to get the support you need - to the relief felt when gaining clarity on the cause of anxiety. For Lucy she found that it was her OCD that was driving her anxiety, which she now has techniques and tools to help manage alongside deciding to take Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT), which has also significantly helped reduce her levels of anxiety.

We talk about the dark side of strong coping mechanisms, being too harsh on ourselves, keeping pushing forward no matter what! Discussing the polarizing perspectives of selfishness versus self care! Feelings of guilt around taking the time for yourself! The busy being busy trap! Today Lucy talks about being so much kinder to herself, taking breaks when she needs to and choosing to lower the bar at times to look after her overall wellbeing.

We both recognized that sometimes you need to give yourself permission to slow down to speed up! Because you can’t pour from an empty cup. If you’re constantly prioritizing other people’s needs above your own - know that this is not sustainable and you may be on track for burnout!

Lucy shares that she feels stronger than ever and that her experience confirms further that change can be a catalyst for better health! Even in my darkest moments can hold promise of brighter days!

Follow or connect with Lucy here:






Watch the Episode on video below…

Christina Lord

As a COR.E Dynamics Energy Specialist, ICF Certified Coach & Master Practitioner in Energetic Empowerment, Christina specialises in helping people who feel stuck reconnect to their inner wisdom & power, identifying what boosts & drains them of their precious energy, & crucially how to gain a new perspective to energise themselves from the inside out! She founded Authentic Action Coaching in 2018 to share her love of Energetic Mastery & how to live life in alignment with who you are at your core.


Damon Bowen-Ashwin - My brain tumor journey – the change that saved my life.


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