Welcome to the
How Change Changes You Podcast

I'm on a mission to change our perception of change from a place filled with scary unknowns to a place packed full of possibility - allowing it to shape us, create greater resilience, confidence & trust in ourselves & are infinite capacity & capability to grow & evolve. I am soooo excited to have a plethora of people lined up from all over the world - who will be sharing their personal change story - from dealing with divorce, loss of a loved one, loss of self, career change, health challenges, transitioning genders - no change is off topic! Because WE are built & strengthened through the changes we face - large & small!


 Multiple Guests

Three Powerful Questions

Countless Insights

…& a whole lot of inspiration

Not to mention a potent biochemical shot of
gratitude straight from your ears to your heart!

My Change Story - Hitting the F***-It button on my life!

My Change Story - Hitting the F***-It button on my life!

The change story I share here in Episode One was partly the reason behind why this How Change Changes You Podcast came into being! The essence of my story and the catalyst for changing my life was the end of a 16 year relationship! The realization that it had truly ended cracked me completely open and had me questioning everything about myself, about my past and my future!

I share how I navigated the painful ending and found a way to rise from my pity party and jump back into the driving seat of my own life with a new reinvigorated sense of myself and what I needed my next chapter to be!

I share powerful reflections, realizations, key learnings, insights that have truly shaped who I am today

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