Welcome to the
How Change Changes You Podcast

I'm on a mission to change our perception of change from a place filled with scary unknowns to a place packed full of possibility - allowing it to shape us, create greater resilience, confidence & trust in ourselves & are infinite capacity & capability to grow & evolve. I am soooo excited to have a plethora of people lined up from all over the world - who will be sharing their personal change story - from dealing with divorce, loss of a loved one, loss of self, career change, health challenges, transitioning genders - no change is off topic! Because WE are built & strengthened through the changes we face - large & small!


 Multiple Guests

Three Powerful Questions

Countless Insights

…& a whole lot of inspiration

Not to mention a potent biochemical shot of
gratitude straight from your ears to your heart!

Craig Stephenson - Cultivating mental & physical strength

Craig Stephenson - Cultivating mental & physical strength

Craig set up “The Total Coach” a few years ago after becoming a qualified PT - originally to deepen his own knowledge of fitness. He shares how one of his teachers during his training planted a seed of how rewarding it can be in helping others transform their fitness levels. Years on Craig now supports clients on successfully completing and outperforming on significant sporting and endurance endeavours such as ultra marathons, iron man competitions and cycling time trialling through both personal training and mindset coaching.

We also talk about the importance of breaking down visions and goals into achievable daily habits - from developing fitness routines, being committed and consistent with yourself to taking mindful time out to reflect and rest. All of which have helped him achieve some of his biggest goals whilst keeping his overall well being in balance.

Craig shares how learning about yourself at a deeper level can make all the difference in helping you navigate change. How becoming more self aware can aid your performance at work and highlight the true value you can bring. As a Mental Health First Aider in his company, Craig talks about how he has utilised his personal experience from both sport and fitness to his emotional intelligence training that help him encourage people to bring their most authentic selves to work - developing a culture of psychological safety where people feel truly valued and supported.

Through all of Craig’s experiences of the changes and challenges he’s faced both large and small, he reflects that he no longer fears change - as he knows that it leads to ongoing improvement and evolution!

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