Kathryn Forte - When Rejection Leads to Redirection to Your Calling!


Welcome to Episode 13 of the How Change Changes You Podcast. This week I spoke with Kathryn Forte, a multi-disciplined Health Professional with a passion to help people feel happier and healthier in themselves. She does this by supporting people through nutrition, fitness and massage.

Few things in life are linear. And this is definitely the case with the Change Story Kathryn shares. It becomes clear that life took her on a bit of a scenic route (as it does many of us), through a few sliding door moments that provided her with the opportunity to collect and sample fortuitous experiences that would later influence her future choices and result in the business she runs and lifestyle she lives.

Kathryn shares how some bumps in the road actually turned out to be key redirections - from taking a financial hit that would later cost her entrance into a career in the Police, to being made redundant and developing and diversifying a side hustle into the multi-faceted business she runs today.

We talk about the importance of taking chances and staying open to possibilities - as you never know where they may lead; intentionally putting yourself outside of your comfort zone for better mental and physical fitness; to the determination and persistence it takes to find meaningful and fulfilling work. 

Follow or connect with Kathryn here:

Socials: https://www.instagram.com/kath4te/



Website: https://kathrynforte.com/

Watch the Episode on video below…

Christina Lord

As a COR.E Dynamics Energy Specialist, ICF Certified Coach & Master Practitioner in Energetic Empowerment, Christina specialises in helping people who feel stuck reconnect to their inner wisdom & power, identifying what boosts & drains them of their precious energy, & crucially how to gain a new perspective to energise themselves from the inside out! She founded Authentic Action Coaching in 2018 to share her love of Energetic Mastery & how to live life in alignment with who you are at your core.


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